It has been a pleasure leading workgroups for the NEHS MathsHub and also sharing my experience through presentations with other LLMEs.
Always nice to get such positive feedback.
It has been a pleasure leading workgroups for the NEHS MathsHub and also sharing my experience through presentations with other LLMEs.
Always nice to get such positive feedback.
Full house for our session at the Joint Mathematical Associations Conference in Warwick.
Build It, Say It, Write It session with all phases represented - Teachers, TAs, ECTs, Advisers and University specialists.
Delighted with so much positive feedback - Great session Pip thanks, definitely something to take back to school.
Great to meet so many Headteachers and Subject Leaders at the PiXL Primary Network Conference in York.
"To develop thinking children we need thinking teachers"
A great opportunity to share and expand the subject knowledge and pedagogies that develop thinking children. 'Build- it, Say-it, Write-it'.
Starting with - How do we know how many edges there are on a circle?
Do all teachers have the subject knowledge to reason and if not how will be address this problem?
Reasoning and problem solving is a key mathematical skill we want children to develop - teachers need the opportunity to practise this themselves.
Children need the opportunity to work with tasks that encourage the development of mental images that support recall and help develop reasoning skills - this can be done through the use of manipulatives.
Available for free here
A pleasure to be invited to share my experience of using Grid Algebra as one of the presenters at the official launch.