Friday, 6 October 2017

Primary to KS4 - Successful Bar Modelling Training

It is becoming more obvious to teachers how the Bar Model is a tool that can support students, at all stages and ages.

Following yet another successful 'Bar Model' training session, this time with teachers from Tanbridge House secondary school in Sussex and their network of feeder primary schools, and receiving this great post-it note feedback. 

Teachers were able to see how their students need the Bar Model tool in their 'toolbox' to support both their understanding and progression in mathematics.  The hands on approach using manipulatives supports all individuals.

The question Edexcel GCSE 2017 Foundation Paper 3 (Qu 13) and the Bar Model answer below -  illustrates how a student who has experience of the bar model approach can confidently answer questions that without the insight to the question would probably not attempt.

An experienced bar modeller would have a secure concept of the mathematics involved and would probably have progressed to an algebraic solution, however the students who have yet to develop the refinement of the written algebraic solution would be able to obtain a correct solution with understanding.

If you would like to book Bar Model Training for your school or network please contact 
If you require further information on our courses then please email pip@accomplisheducation

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